
What I Do

With over a decade of agency experience, I’m able to offer a wide range of digital services to accommodate my client’s needs. I specialize in custom WordPress builds and User Experience, but have plenty of experience in the services you’ll read about below.

If you’re looking for a one-stop-shop for your website, I’m your man.

Fully Custom WebsitesCMS Setup & CustomizationE-CommerceWeb & UI DesignWireframes & PrototypingE-Mail & MarketingWeb BannersConsulting & Audits

My #1 priority is delivering work that my clients are happy with. Not happy with something? Just let me know and we can work something out.

If I don’t know something, I won’t charge you for the research time (with certain exceptions, of course). You hire me to be the expert – not pay me to learn on your dime. And I’m a pretty quick study to boot.

With that being said, I’m also a firm believer that you don’t need to memorize everything these days to be an expert. One of the most important things I was taught as a developer is that you’re not expected to know everything – you’re only expected to know how to find the solution. So if I don’t have an answer for you off the bat, I’ll get back to you with some research.

What I Am
  • A problem solver
  • A minimalist designer
  • Utility over form approach
  • Technical minded
What I’m Not
  • A programmer
  • An illustrator
  • A print designer
  • A media purchaser
Project Pricing
  • Website builds
  • Wireframes & IA
  • E-Commerce setup
  • Maintenance retainers
Hourly Pricing
  • Web banner design & dev
  • E-mail design & dev
  • Current website changes
  • Consulting & audits


Social Media

Contact Page


User Experience (UX)

The backbone of every website, User Experience is the study of user behaviors and interactions to optimize a website’s ease of use and deliver meaningful content. While UX principles can be applied in any phase of a project, establishing the groundwork up-front will provide clear direction based on applied learnings for every step of the process to follow.


The starting point of any project – this is the preliminary research phase. User research is conducted to help better understand the task and define the problem points before moving on to the next steps of a project.

What’s Included
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Persona Journeys
  • User Interviews
  • Demographics & Heuristics Evaluations

IA is the process of organizing content for ease of use across your website. IA establishes the navigation, hierarchy and taxonomies of a website based on the previous Discovery phase.

Deliverables Can Include
  • Sitemaps
  • User Flows
  • Content Audit & Grouping
  • Tech & Functionality Requirements

Establishes the structure and user flows of a website – similar to blueprints of a house. Deliverables often include interactive wireframes with limited design elements.

What’s Included
  • Interactive Wireframes
  • User & Marketing Flows
  • Animation & Interaction Guides

Utilize a user testing service and gather feedback direct from verified testers to identify pain points in the IA and prototypes. Conducting testing in the UX phase saves time, money and effort, as concepts are more easily changed here than in the design or dev phase.

Optional step recommended for larger scale projects due to costs, but options are available for smaller scale testing.

Types of Testing
  • Usability Testing
    • Have users navigate prototypes by assigning them specific tasks
  • A/B Testing
    • Present two+ options and measure performance

UX Software



Believe it or not, there’s a difference between UI and web design. User Interface (UI) design focuses on user navigation and interactive elements (micro) whereas web design establishes overall styling and branding (macro).


A preliminary step that establishes basic design styles, such as colors, fonts and other higher level design concepts. Mood Boards are often done in conjunction with the prototyping phase and can help set high level design elements before the design comps, thus saving time and setting a direction for the design comps.

What’s Included
  • Colors
  • Text
  • High level UI elements (buttons, etc)
  • Sources of Inspiration

Establishes the look and feel of the website before web development. Design comps utilize the previous UX deliverables and mood boards and marge them all into a pretty package; think of this step like adding a coat of paint to the wireframes. Deliverables include static or interactive design files for multiple device types.

What’s Included
  • Models of all major page templates and reusable elements
  • Cohesion of colors and fonts established in mood boards
  • Image/video selection and editing
  • Page menus and interaction states

A comprehensive guide based on the website styling for consistent branding across new website content, ad campaigns and related projects. This can also serve as a quick guide to the developers for implementation of universal site elements.

What’s Included
  • Text sizing and styling (H1-H6, paragraphs, etc)
  • Primary, secondary and UI element colors
  • Margins and paddings
  • Global element styling and sizing
  • Character limits

Design Software



This is where I take the site online and make it functional based on the design comps and UX. Every site I create utilizes a Content Management System (CMS), which allows user-friendly content editing for my clients to manage. I’ll also install and customize any themes or plugins to match the design comps.


Every site needs a domain name and server to function. I’ll configure both so your site loads quickly, is able to receive emails/notifications and is easy to manage.

Hard costs for services will vary depending on project needs.

What’s Included
  • DNS Setup and domain redirects
  • Hosting configuration on AWS Lightsail or included provider
  • Server management with SpinupWP or included provider
  • SSL installation
  • Notification & e-mail configuration with Amazon SES or similar

Selection of CMS and supporting theme. I customize each theme to match the design elements established and make the back-end easy to use. Although my background is in custom WordPress themes and hard coded sites, I rely pretty heavily on CMSs and visual builder themes these days due to efficiency and ease of use for client management. But rest assured – these themes allow for plenty of flexibility for custom designs.

What’s Included
  • CMS and plugin configuration
  • Theme customization to match approved design
  • Security & privacy customizations
  • Admin menu customization for streamlined use

You can’t launch a website without content! This is the step where all of the copy, images and supporting assets are uploaded to populate the website. I may also have to resize and optimize any images or media assets during this step.

My clients provide most copy and images, but stock imagery selection and basic copywriting are in my wheelhouse.

What’s Included
  • Manual input of all copy and images that are editable within CMS
  • Image and video asset optimizations
  • Stock image selections
  • Basic page SEO titles and meta descriptions

QA is the act of making sure the final website lives up to promised standards. I thoroughly test on multiple device types and browsers to ensure a fluid experience no matter your viewing preference.

I provide a 30 day post-launch window to fix bugs and make in-scope changes free of charge.

What’s Included
  • Functionality testing
  • Plugin testing and optimizations
  • Device and browser testing
  • Input form testing and mail deliverability

Front-end Software



While technically part of the dev phase, e-commerce isn’t needed on all sites and is kind of it’s own beast. I handle sales through established platforms such as Shopify and WooCommerce. While these come with stock options, customizations and plugins are often needed to maximize your sales capabilities.


While e-commerce engines help streamline your store, customizing the store to your needs still requires manual setup. This includes steps like creating products, categories and filters within the engine.

What’s Included
  • Individual product creation and content uploads
  • Product category and collection creation
  • Product filtering and dynamic content
  • Product reviews
  • Related products and product sliders
  • Payment gateways

Inventory management is the backbone of any e-commerce venture. This includes setting up inventory counts, product dimensions, shipping and tax info. A third party plugin may be needed depending on project requirements.

What’s Included
  • Inventory tracking and SKU creation
  • Product dimensions and fees
  • Shipping services and fees
  • Tax structures

Whether on WooCommerce or Shopify, you’ll need a theme for your CMS to control the default layouts and styling. This is the step that configures and customizes your e-commerce engine with your CMS to create a seamless experience site-wide.

What’s Included
  • Product and collection page layouts
  • Custom CSS to match global site styling
  • Creation of additional widgets and functionality as needed
  • Integration of customer support pages and features
  • User account management

E-Commerce Software



Websites aren’t the only medium I have experience with. You need to support your sites with promotional content in order to grow, which is where e-mail and marketing services come in. I offer basic e-mail automation, promotional material design and HTML, analytics and SEO.


Building a subscriber base is integral for growing your business. I’ll setup a basic e-mail automation system that includes e-mail signup captures, automated responses to user inputs and recurring promotional newsletters to all subscribers. I follow CAN-SPAM compliance and modern privacy laws, so no purchased lists or shady business practices here!

What’s Included
  • Marketing platform configuration and website integration
  • E-mail capture form creation and integration
  • Subscriber lists and profiles
  • Creation of automated rules for when/who to send messages to
  • Preference center creation for user selection of promotional material

To support your automated e-mail campaigns, you’ll need a professionally designed layout that matches your site’s branding. I have years of experience designing and coding e-mail templates both with HTML and e-mail builders.

What’s Included
  • Static e-mail design files
  • HTML e-mail coding
  • Dynamic e-mail templates
  • CAN-SPAM compliance

You’ll need to utilize other advertising channels to drive new traffic to your site. I also have years of experience building web banners for high-profile clients.

I provide design and dev services for web banners, social media and Google Ads.

What’s Included
  • Web banner static design files w/ animation guides
  • HTML web banner coding
  • Social media ad design and HTML
  • Google Ads creation and management

SEO and analytics monitoring are two of the most important pieces for any website that users will never see. I provide basic page title and meta description writing, Google Analytics setup and integration, Google Tag Manager installation and basic analytics reporting.

What’s Included
  • Google Analytics / Tag Manager account setup and integration
  • GA segment creation and reporting
  • Page meta title and description writing
  • Basic keyword research and integration

E-Mail & Marketing Software